联系我们 船舶驾驶常用英语白话(连载:一)


ship Manoeuvering 船舶主宰Dialog A:Overtaking     对话:追越M/V Uthai Navee:    I,M/V Uthai Navee,will overtake you on your starboard side.Over..尤特海奈维”船:       我船,“尤特海奈维”号,准备从你的右舷追越,请讲。M/V Wan Tong:I can not locate you on my radar.What is your present course and speed now?over“万通”船: 我不可在雷达上识别你,你咫尺的航向和航速是几许?请讲。MV Uthai Navee:  Course175degrees,speed20knots.Over“尤特海奈维”船:    航向175°,速率20节,请讲。M/V Wan Tong:   I identified you on my radar.Advise you make course200degrees Shallow wat ahead of you“万通”船:     我已在雷达上识别你了,淡薄你航向200°,你前哨有浅水区。





Dialog B:   Restricted visibility        对话2:视野不良Captain:    The visibility is expected to decrease to1,000meters in the next4hours.Chief Mate and Second Mate keep a watch on bow and stern immediately船主:  视野在4小时后要下跌到1000米。大副,二副区分瞭头,瞭尾。巧合步履。Chief Mate: Yes,sir.I will tell Second Mate as soon as possible大副:死守,我将尽快告诉二副。Captain:(on the bridge)Dead slow ahead船主:(在驾驶台)微速前进。Third Mate:Dead slow ahead Now engine dead slow ahead(Write down logbook)三副:微速前进。咫尺微速前进。(填写帆海日记)Captain: A long blast to warn the vessels in vicinity船主:一长声告戒隔邻的船只Chief mate :The bow is not clear.Fishing boats ahead.Advise hard-a-starboard.(on VHF)大副:船头不浮现。前哨有渔船,淡薄右满舵。(在ⅤHF上)


Dialog C:Proceeding down river       对话3:沿河而下Yuan Ji/BJⅤVL:Newharbour Pilot Station.This is Chinese M/V Yuan Ji.Call sign BJVL.My destination is Avonport.My ETA at Pilot Station is1330local time.Draft forward6meters.Draft aft6.9meters i have a list to starboard of one degree.Over远吉:新港引航站,这是中国“远吉”船,呼号BJVL,缱绻港是安汶港。预抵引航站技术是当地技术1330时,前吃水6米,后吃水6.9米,1右倾,请讲。Newharbour Pilot Station:M/V Yuan Ji.Visibility is reduced by fog.Visibility is expected to decrease to2,000meters in one hour.There are salvage operations in position south side of fairway.Navigate with caution.Over新港引航站:“远吉”船,由于雾,视野松开,视野在一小时后下跌到2000米,在航谈南端有打捞使命,严慎飞翔,请讲。(after a while一霎后)Newharbour Pilot Station:M/V Yuan Ji Newharbour Pilot Station.Vessel Lima will turn at the Refinery Quay ahead of you.Advise you stay clear of the fairway.Over新港引航站:远吉”船,这是新港引航站,“利马”船在Refinery船埠也等于在你前哨掉头,淡薄你恭候清让航谈。请讲。Yuan Ji/BJVL:Newharbour Pilot Station.M/V Yuan Ji.I am proceeding at reduced speed.I will wait for M/V Lima to clear before entering fairway.Over“远吉”船:新港引航站,“远吉”船,我正延缓飞翔,我在“利马”船参加航谈前恭候她让路,请讲。New harbour Pilot Station:Stand by on VHF channel16,out新港引航站:守听ⅤHFl6频谈,通讯铁心


Practical Expressions实用抒发形貌Part A:Position位置1.You are entering fairway你船正参加航谈。2.Your position42°15N,142°18E你船的位置是4215N,142918E。Your position170degrees3nautical miles from Lao Tie Shan lighthouse你船的位置是170°距老铁山灯塔3海里。3.We are in sight咱们船处于互见4.You are passing fishing area你船正通过渔区。5.You are in centre o of fairway.你船在航谈中间。6.You are on reference line你船在参照线上。7.You are not on reference line你船不在参照线上。8.You are in middle of fairway你船在航谈中间。9.You are on east side of fairway你船在航谈的东部10.You are on reference line of fairway你船在航谈参照线上。11.You are approaching starboard limit of fairway你船正接近航谈右侧角落。12.You are approaching port limit of fairway.你船正接近航谈左侧角落。13.You are approaching reference line of fairway你船正接近航谈的参照线。14.Your position buoy No.3,distance3cables to port side of reference line你船的位置在3号浮,距左侧参照线3链15.Your position buoy No.2,distance4cables to starboard of reference line你船的位置在2号浮,距右侧参照线4链16.Your position distance400metres from intersection of reference line你船的位置距参照线交点400米。17.Your position distance500metres from intersection of reference line a and reference line B and distance700metres to port side of reference line c你船的位置是参照线A和B交点处500米,在距参照线C左侧700米。18M/V Fuji maru has reported at way point C?“富士丸”船已呈文参加“C”点19.You are getting closer to vessel ahead你船正与前边船接近些了20.Vessel on opposite course passing your port side对驶船正从你船左舷驶过。未完~~待续~~  ✍️笔者淡薄:瓦解基础上多读,企业小程序开发制作公司熟能生巧,践诺对话才略应变自如。 本站仅提供存储劳动,所有现实均由用户发布,如发现存害或侵权现实,请点击举报。

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